Creating content

Create content, your first page with Drupal and make it the home page.

Your first page with Drupal

At first there are two content types with Drupal: story and page.

So let's start with the simpliest one: the page.

You can use basic pages for the static content, like the "Aboout us" page
So, if you've installed the Administration Menu module, just navigate to:

Content management > Create Content > Page


Fill up the two main fields: Title and Body

In Publishing options check:

* Published
* Promoted to front page


That's it your new content is published!


Your second page with Drupal

This will be of the secon content type "story" or article.


The front page

By default, the front page of a Drupal site is a blog-like overview of the 10 most
recently posted stories, so go to: