
Install Drupal: the essential files


1. Donwload un uncompress file to html root folder

 Uncompress file the usual way. If it is under Linux:
 tar -zxvf drupal-x.x.tar.gz

2. Create the configuration file and grant permissions

In the sites/default directory, copy the default.settings.php file and name the copied file as settings.php.

cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php

There should be the TWO files: default.settings.php and settings.php

Give the web server write privileges (666 or u=rw,g=rw,o=rw) to the configuration file.

chmod a+w sites/default/settings.php

Give the web server write privileges to the sites/default directory.

chmod a+w sites/default

You have to create "sites/default" directory manually.
recomended directory structures:
- [drupal]/sites/default
- [drupal]/sites/default/files
- [drupal]/sites/all/modules/   ----- used for additional modules
- [drupal]/sites/all/themes/   ------ used for additional themes
- [drupal]/sites/all/libraries/ ----- used for additional libraries

also, files folder = 777

3. Change back permissions

NOTE: Do not forget to change permissions back after you have run the installation script.
SEE: The correct permissions you should return to after this is complete are the following:

chmod 644 settings.php
chmod 755 ../default (read only, to make protected)

The file needs read permissions, the folder needs read and execute permissions.

4. Create the database and run the installation script

Recommended: give table prefix like drupal_ for example